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The future of windows OS is on the horizon

Windows 10 has come along way. Released in 2015, Microsoft confirmed that windows 10 will be the last version of windows OS.

updating your windows OS to the latest version of windows 10 is free and although Microsoft says that the windows 10 upgrade will no longer be free, you can actually download windows 10 for free from their official website.

Microsoft promise us a huge windows 10 UI change and they weren’t kidding when they say that. in March, Microsoft delivers an update that change the start menu UI to a much more modern and pleasing look. In the official windows 10 new ui announcement, you can clearly see that a lot of UI on windows 10 will be modernized. That’s a good thing, because the current windows 10 UI still have those old ui and it just feels half baked.

Microsoft says that this update (the new Windows 10 UI) and the wcos (windows core os) will be released in the next year. Let’s just hope that the new update didn’t cause problems.

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